See older post on cellular automata

 An older post on cellular automata

A New Kind of Science

The name Stephan Wolfram has been mentioned several times in this post. He is the founder of Wolfram|Research, his company is known for the popular Mathematica software suite and Wolfram|Alpha knowledge engine. He did not initially discover cellular automata but recently he has been a prominent figure in its advocacy. He spent 10 years working on his book, A New Kind of Science. In the 1300 page tome, he discusses how cellular automata can be applied to every field of science from biology to physics. NKA is a detailed study of cellular automata programs.

Basic Cellular Automata

Figure: Wolfram's Elementary CA Rule 30. Look at 3 bit input and 1 bit output.

The diagram above depicts the rule 30 program (or rule 30 elementary cellular automaton). There are 8 input states (2 ^ 3) and an output state of one or zero. If you look at the diagram from left to right. The first sequence of blocks on the left depict an input state of { 1 1 1 } with an output of 0. Given input of cells { 1 1 1}, the output will be set to 0. Subsequently, the next set of blocks consist of an input state of { 1 1 0 } with an output of 0.


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